Dr. Sébastien

Kiesgen de Richter

Associate professor in Physics of granular media

Junior IUF member (Institut Universitaire de France)

- Chair of Innovation

LEMTA - CNRS UMR 7563 - University of Lorraine

2 avenue de la Forêt de HayeBP 9016154505 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy CedexFRANCE

Mail: sebastien.kiesgen@univ-lorraine.fr

Office phone: +33 372 744 263

Since 2009, I am tenured associate professor (HDR) at the LEMTA laboratory, and a lecturer at the Faculty of Science. I created the "Powder and suspension flows" team in 2018. My research activities are mainly concerned with the physics of granular media, powder technologies and rheology of complex flows. I am the currently the coordinator of the international research project "Pastflow" co-funded by the french national research agency (ANR) and the german research foundation (DFG) / 2020 - 2023 / 360 k. I also managed a fundamental competitive European program, indeed I was the coordinator of the European Interreg VA "PowderReg" project involving 5 universities of the Great Region in order to study the "transport, storage and forming of industrially relevant powders" / 2017 -2021 / 6 M.

Since October 1st, 2021, and during a period of 5 years, I am a Junior IUF member (Institut Universitaire de France).

To know more about me, have a look on my CV, my research topics, my publications and my teaching activities!

"IUF dans le cartable"  Limoges (31/05/2024)

Mickaël Delcey is awarded the PhD-Entrepreneur thesis prize (14/03/2024)

PowderReg Project - Interregional Science Award (25/11/2022)

Latest news

I was delighted to take part in the IUF (Institut Universitaire de France) congress "Complexité(s) : comprendre, vivre, transmettre !" at the Université de Limoges: days rich in exchanges and discussions on a variety of subjects with my IUF colleagues. https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:EU:1c04b338-4993-4c8b-8a47-3d800cd3c4d8 

I was also pleased to contribute to "IUF dans le cartable", which brings students closer to science through informal discussions.

Congratulations to Mickaël Delcey, winner of the PhD-Entrepreneur thesis prize awarded by the University of Lorraine. This well-deserved award recognizes both his research into the contribution of Artificial Intelligence to gravity flows, and the creation of the DeepPhy start-up for which he is CTO. You can find information about the start-up here: https://deepphy.com/

I was delighted to welcome once again my colleague Prof. Nicolas Vandewalle, GRASP Université de Liège, to discuss the work of David Luce, the PhD student we co-supervise together. We were also able to discuss our respective projects. Two very rewarding days!

Jean Schneider, Ghita Marouazi and Mickaël Delcey are now PhD! Congratulations to them & many thanks to thesis juries.

I'm pleased to announce that the project I'm involved in, funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR), has been accepted! This "PINNterfaces" project aims to model interfaces in granular media using physics-informed neural networks (PINNs). It brings together the skills of LEMTA (France, Nancy, led by Yoann Cheny), LMRS and LITIS (France, Rouen). You can find more information on the following link: https://lemta.univ-lorraine.fr/anr-2023-projet-pinnterfaces/ 

PhD defense of Jean Schneider is scheduled on November, 10th 2023.

PhD defense of Ghita Marouazi is scheduled on November, 14th 2023.

PhD defense of Mickaël Delcey is scheduled on November, 17th 2023.

Conference by my colleague Yoann Cheny, accompanied by Mickaël Delcey, at INRS Nancy to present our work on deep learning methods applied to engineering sciences, and our start-up DeepPhy.

I had the pleasure of inviting Professor Renaud Delannay (Institut de Physique de Rennes) to give a talk on granular media as part of the University of Lorraine's "Science and society" lecture series.

If you want to watch the conference in video, or have more information:




I was delighted to take part in the IUF (Institut Universitaire de France) "Evolution" congress at the Université Gustave Eiffel in Paris: days rich in exchanges and discussions on a variety of subjects with my IUF colleagues.

I had the honor of being a member of the recruitment jury for a lecturer position at the IPR (Rennes physics institute).

50th anniversary of LEMTA: a day rich in science for a historic laboratory at the University of Lorraine.

Yoann Cheny, Mickaël Delcey and I are launching our start-up DeepPhy! It is currently being incubated at the Incubateur Lorrain: we will be offering innovative AI solutions tailored to the needs of companies in the engineering sciences sector.

New publication in the team: "Physics-informed neural networks for gravity currents reconstruction from limited data" (Physics of Fluids). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0136886 

I wish you all a happy new year!

Launch of the Métro'NRJ platform at the LEMTA laboratory, for which I am responsible for the Fluid Metrology unit: LUE (laboratoire université d'excellence) accreditation underway, we will soon be offering research services. Long live innovation! 

New publication in the team: "Investigation of particle laden gravity currents using the light attenuation technique" (Experiments in Fluids). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00348-022-03562-y

New publication for ANR Pastflow & PowderReg Project: "Improving flowability of granular flows down inclines using vibrations and small particles as lubricants" (Powder Technology). Anyone clicking on this link before March 01, 2023 will be taken directly to the final version of our article: https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1gOyv7QGmMKdb 

The Powderreg project was awarded Friday, November 25, at the Groẞregion's inter-ministerial meeting with the SaarLB-supported Interregional Science Award. More information:




The team has welcomed David Luce, our new PhD student, to work on the "Control of the flowability of cohesive powders: from particles to end-use properties". David is supervised by myself, co-supervised by Adrien Gans and works in a co-tutoring with Nicolas Vandewalle (GRASP laboratory, University of Liège, Belgium). I wish him the best!

I have the pleasure to welcome Adrien GANS as the new associate professor in our team "Powder and suspension flows"!

I had the pleasure to attend the 10th International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids CHoPS in Salerno (Italy) from July 5 to 9. My PhD student, Ghita Marouazi, was able to present her work "Experimental study of granular heap flow under vertical vibrations". Thanks also to the organizers for giving me the opportunity to be the chairman of the session "Mixing and Segregation".

A new video "Osez l'Europe" and an article on the University website have just been published about the "PowderReg" project!

Have a look at the video in the Research overview tab, "PowderReg project" section.

You can find the article at the following link: http://factuel.univ-lorraine.fr/node/20207.

Do not forget to have a look on the PhD position in my team: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/s%C3%A9bastien-kiesgen-de-richter-ab6333160_phd-offer-activity-6914919818408148992-TEZ6?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_web - Application deadline 09/05/2022.

I will be in Belgium at the GRASP laboratory as an invited researcher from April 25 to 29. I will also take a course with Professor Scott Russel WAITUKAITIS (Institute of Science and Technology, Austria) on the subject "From rabbits to planets: the enduring mystery of contact electrification". Thanks to the GRASP team for inviting me.

I had the honor to be the examiner of the thesis of Chloé Garat. Her thesis, publicly defended on March 29, was realized at the LOF laboratory / Solvay in the University of Bordeaux. Thanks to her supervisors for inviting me, and congratulations to her!

I invited Dr Florence Gibouin to give a seminar at LEMTA on her work: "Rheology and field measurements by optical methods of thixotropic fluids with threshold" (24/03/22). Thanks to her!

I invited Dr Antoine Mathieu to give a seminar at LEMTA on his work: "Two phase simulations of sediment transport: the particular case of sand transport under waves" (17/03/22). Thanks to him! https://lemta.univ-lorraine.fr/evenement/seminaire-simulations-diphasiques-de-transport-de-sediments/#more-6606

I invited Dr Adrien Gans to give a seminar at LEMTA on his work: "An experimental and numerical study of the rheology of cohesive granular materials" (10/03/22). Thanks to him! https://lemta.univ-lorraine.fr/evenement/seminaire-une-etude-experimentale-et-numerique-de-la-rheologie-des-materiaux-granulaires-cohesifs/#more-6563

As part of my IUF project, a PhD position (LUE thesis - Lorraine Université d'Excellence) in my team is available on #powderflowability. Information: http://doctorat.univ-lorraine.fr/fr/les-ecoles-doctorales/simppe/offres-de-these/lue-controle-de-la-coulabilite-des-poudres-cohesives. Application deadline: 01/05/2022.

I will be present at the international conference CHoPS in Salerno (Italy) in July to talk about our work on the spreading of granular pastes.

Video in preparation within the framework of "Osez l'Europe" to present the european project PowderReg! I will keep you in touch.

I had the honor to be a member of the thesis jury of Salvatore Pillitteri. His thesis, publicly defended on December 17, was realized at the GRASP laboratory, University of Liège (Belgium). Thanks to his supervisors for inviting me, and congratulations to him!

The PowderReg closure event finally took place on December, 1st at L'abbaye des Prémontrés (Pont-à-Mousson, France). This day was an opportunity to meet on site or remotely in order to share the main results of the project between the partners and also towards the invited industrialists. This day closed 5 years of rich collaborations and the end of an adventure. Thank you to all the participants. https://www.linkedin.com/company/powderreggr/ 

A new publication for PowderReg project: "Discharge of vibrated granular silo: A grain scale approach" (Powder Technology).

A new publication for PowderReg project: "Swelling of couscous grains under saturated conditions" (Journal of Food Engineering).

Following the scientific collaboration between the LOF of Bordeaux and my team, a preprint is now available: "Using Good Vibrations: Melting and Controlled Shear Jamming of Dense Granular Suspensions". Have a look!  https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03356285/document 

I had the honor to be the rapporteur of the thesis of Adrien Gans. His thesis, publicly defended on July 17, was realized at the IUSTI, University of Aix-Marseille. Thanks to his supervisors for inviting me, and congratulations to him!

I had the honor to be the rapporteur of the thesis of Noémie Dagès. Her thesis, publicly defended on July 9, was realized at the Physics Laboratory of the ENS Lyon. Thanks to her supervisors for inviting me, and congratulations to her!

I am very pleased to announce that as of October 1st, 2021, I will be appointed as a Junior IUF member for 5 years. Thank you to the IUF jury for their confidence. https://www.iufrance.fr/detail-de-lactualite/247.html

PowderReg Closure event!! - December, 1st 2021. During this day, the scientific assessment of the project will be presented and we will organise exchange sessions with the industrialists of the field. This day will be held in hybrid mode with the possibility of attending the presentations in person or online, depending on the health regulations. We plan to organise this seminar in a hotel in Alsace. We look forward to seeing you at this event!

New publication for PowderReg project: "Powder flow behavior governed by the surface properties of glass beads" (Powder Technology).

Do not hesitate to send your abstract for the GFR 2021 which will be held in Bordeaux from October 26 to 28, 2021, of which I am a member of the scientific committee. Application deadline: 30/05/2021. https://2020.legfr.fr/

Arthur Pascot and Shirin Enferad are now PhD! Congratulations to them & many thanks to thesis juries.

Welcome to Arthur Pascot as the new PowderReg project manager!

Our project manager Diana Righi is leaving us, we thank her for her excellent work and wish her all the best for the future. Arthur Pascot will ensure this function until the end of the project.

Welcome to Ghita Marouazi, our new PhD student on the ANR-DFG project “Pastflow”!

Welcome to Mickaël Delcey, our new PhD student on gravity current and deep learning issues!

Welcome to Jean Schneider, our new PhD student on the ANR project “Palagram”!

Welcome to Enzo D’Ambrioso-Azzara, our new postdoc on the PowderReg project!

PhD defense of Arthur Pascot is scheduled on December, 1st 2020.

PhD defense of Shirin Enferad is scheduled on December, 17th 2020.

A new publication for PowderReg project: "Influence of mechanical vibrations on quasi-2D silo discharge of spherical particles" (Chemical Engineering Science).

PhD position in my team on #gravitycurrent and #deeplearning. Information: https://www.abg.asso.fr/fr/candidatOffres/show/id_offre/91338. Application deadline: 31/05/2020.

PhD position in my team on the "Experimental study of granular pastes spreading under vibrations". ANR-DFG project "Pastflow". Information: https://www.abg.asso.fr/fr/candidatOffres/show/id_offre/91420. Application deadline: 15/06/2020.

New publication for PowderReg project: "Effect of particle size and formulation on powder rheology" (Particulate Science and Technology).

New publication for PowderReg project: "DEM simulation of dense granular flows in a vane shear cell: Kinematics and rheological laws" (Powder Technology).

Good news! One of my new research proposal has just been accepted! I am now the coordinator of an international research project "Pastflow" co-funded by the french national research agency (ANR) and the german research foundation (DFG).